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What Some Vibrosaun Users Have to Say


I am 66 years old, have Fibromyalgia and arthritis throughout my body.


I’ve had 7 Vibrosaun sessions to date and I could not be happier with the results. My hands are not as swollen as they normally were, my arthritic pain is greatly reduced and I no longer have the need for a daily pain reliever.


For the past two years I have been getting regular cervical epidural shots in my shoulders for pain management. My next shot was due 4 weeks ago and I have not had the need to schedule the appointment! I credit this to my Vibrosaun treatments since by now I would normally be experiencing severe neck and shoulder pain.


In addition to my physical improvements, I so look forward to the Vibrosaun sessions as my own quiet, peaceful and relaxing time. With results like these, I am a much happier person and definitely plan on making Vibrosaun a part of my weekly routine.


JoAnn H.

Brewster, NY


I would like to share my initial impressions of the Vibrosaun Therapeutic Unit. To date I have trialed the unit on 15 patients, each patient having five sessions. These patients all have chronic muscular-skeletal conditions with symptoms for greater than two years. They suffer from a mixture of connective tissue disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia as well as osteoarthritis. The results we are getting are already showing very definite trends.


All patients feel more relaxed and report a higher level of well-being after a thirty-five minute session in the VS Unit. Pain scores are consistently reduced and flexibility scores are increased. The flexibility scores seem to be particularly increased in those patients with osteoarthritis.


All patients are keen to come back for further sessions. An example of this was the last patient, a 72 year old man who had osteoarthritis of his low back and who had a small stroke – who after his first turn in the VS Unit was demonstrating how he has not been able to reach his shoe laces for many years to his surprise, he reached his feet with ease.


Thank you Len for the opportunity to trial the VS Unit. I feel the Unit offers a wonderfully holistic way of relieving muscle tension, pain and stiffness.


Dr. Andrew D. Murley

Waiake Medical Center


I have been using the VIBROSAUN for four weeks now and I would like you to know the changes I have observed:


1. I have no aches and pains now. None in my lower spine and left hip.

2. I can stretch and move the toes on my right foot.

3. My weight (combined with a sensible diet) has dropped 14 lbs.

4. My skin tone has improved, even on my face.

5. I feel terrific and have energy plus now.


Now that I have no arthritis pain, I can move freely, stretch and I am much more supple. I am really thrilled with my progress and can’t be without it now.


Mavis Fountain


After experiencing your VIBROSAUN unit, for but 20 minutes each at an expo, my wife and I decided to buy a unit for the use of our disabled clients and of courses ourselves.


My wife is a quadriplegic (loss of use not sensation) from J R A since age two. She uses the unit almost daily for 15-30 minutes per time and with temperature settings from 130-140 degrees. The combination of modalities has been a therapeutic blessing for her.


Her shoulders, neck and spine have loosened up so much from this steady usage that our staff chiropractor has been able to create movement in areas that were previously considered fused by arthritis. In addition, her stress and pain levels have been radically reduced.


We also have several clients who use the machine on a weekly or so basis. All speak of released stress and pain and more freedom of motion in their joints. I only wish we had diagnostic equipment to measure everyone’s improvement. However, everyone who has used the VIBROSAUN unit has come back for further usage.


David J Brandenburger

Institute for the Realization of Human Potential


I felt I had to write and say thanks to someone about the VIBROSAUN. I bought one about five months ago and since using it my back, which I suffered with for so many years, is almost as good as new.


Also, since September last year, I have been waiting to have both my knees operated on and the knee joints to be replaced. I have had to wait but both my knees have improved so much that my specialist has said the operation is at present not necessary. I put most of this improvement down to using my VIBROSAUN every day and regard it as the best investment I ever made regarding my health.


To the inventor of the VIBROSAUN and to the man who introduced me to it, I give my heartfelt thanks.


Johnny Lockwood


After installing and using the three VIBROSAUN’s, I feel compelled to write to you and thank you for introducing this cleverly designed piece of equipment.


I cannot speak highly enough of its use and how it fits into our treatment program. It should be an essential part of all Chiropractic clinics and has proven its value as a therapeutic aid for which it was designed and purchased. Congratulations on giving ….


Gordon O. Middleborough



I wish to congratulate the directors of VIBROSAUN for designing a unique machine. I have had great success with the VIBROSAUN in the short time I have had it. It has been beneficial to my practice and it aids with the relief of muscular pain and back problems.


It has exceeded itself with my patient’s overweight problems. I find that patients who suffer from tension, arthritis (and people who find it hard to relax) and several other ailments have had relief when they use the VIBROSAUN.


I thank you and wish you all the best with the VIBROSAUN, for I give it my full recommendation and I am sure that other Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Naturopaths and other colleagues in the healing profession will find the VIBROSAUN above all quite beneficial.


Dr. K. Trimby

Captain Cook Osteopathic Chiropractic Center


Having been in practice for over 30 years, I have the practical experience of treating numerous patients with various degrees of muscular discomfort ranging from mild to acute conditions due to the nature of these afflictions where the muscles have gone into spasm due to the misplacements of vertebrae -- manipulations are often difficult to perform.

Since I have been introduced to the VIBROSAUN machine, I have had greater success treating patients with severe injuries due to the relaxed nature after a session.


With the gentle vibrations of the upper and lower spine assist in relaxing muscles that have gone into spasm, coupled with the dry sauna which increases circulation, I have noticed that patients respond easier to manipulations. Another beneficial feature is the fresh supply of cool negative ion charged air therefore, the brain is not subjected to excessive heat, toxic odors and hot air, which irritate bronchial complaints, are not inhaled. Hence, the patient remains relaxed and more receptive to treatment.


The talented team credited with the design of the VIBROSAUN included a Chiropractor, an Osteopath, a Physical Therapist, a Design Engineer and a Medical Practitioner, so the VIBROSAUN has been scientifically designed with the sole purpose of helping establish total wellbeing through natural methods.


All of the unique features and applications make the VIBROSAUN a valuable therapeutic asset for my chiropractic work.


Horace J. Lyttle

Biggera Waters Medical Center


As you know, I have been suffering from joint pain for the past three years. I would like to report that after each session in the VIBROSAUN there has been such a marked improvement in my ability to use my fingers that my hands are nearly back to normal.


The relief of pain in my other muscles and joints is just great. I am telling everyone how good the VIBROSAUN is, so anybody else who wants to know just needs to ask me.


John Scott-Kemball


The VIBROSAUN machine installed in our clinic is being used for a variety of treatments. It’s initial applications for the treatment of nervous tension and associated muscular spasm has been very successful. We are now treating a multitude of sporting injuries, e.g. traumas in hamstring and gastrocnemius/soleus groups also with great success.


We have found it to be beneficial for the relief of arthritic pain, both osteo and rheumatoid. Several of our current patients are being treated as compensation cases, both Workers and Motor Accident (referred by medical practitioners).


We consider the VIBROSAUN to be a legitimate therapeutic aid in our profession.


Pat McCrossan


We have been using the VIBROSAUN in our center for some time and have found it to be a great asset to our business. It has proven to be a very profitable investment, and it is now our most used piece of equipment in our programs, and our clientele has increased noticeably.


Our clients benefit from the VIBROSAUN therapeutically, and it is a relaxing treatment that they enjoy.


We have had success in the treatment of asthma sufferers, as the VIBROSAUN helps increase the blood circulation through the lungs of the clients who are not able to exercise. Elderly clients who have circulatory problems through lack of exercise are now more spiritedly and agile and enjoy life more, as they are now able to be more active.


The VIBROSAUN has also proven invaluable in the relief of many muscular problems, backache, arthritis, fibrositis and tension. We have found it beneficial, together with a sensible diet, in the treatment of weight loss.


We wish to thank you and your partner for introducing such a beneficial piece of equipment into the health industry.


Krista B.

Stress Management


The Hopwood Natural Health Center recently installed the VIBROSAUN which was purchased from your company earlier this year. As Health Director I wish to report to you the results of a study conducted over a one month period.


Thirty seven health care guests male and female, age range 23 years to 62 years were monitored for blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate and weight prior to and after their treatment in the VIBROSAUN which was for 15 minutes at 1400.


No adverse reactions were reported. The VIBROSAUN had a beneficial effect on general circulation relaxation and weight loss.Your company is to be congratulated on marketing such a practical health aid.


Brian K O’Reilly

Health Director, Hopewood Natural Health Center


Recently, we installed a VIBROSAUN unit in our Health and Beauty Center. I have been amazed at the response this machine has received. Without exception, each client given an initial complimentary session of 20 minutes has become a regular VIBROSAUN user.


We have always found complimentary treatments to be the most effective way to introduce any new type of service and the benefits of the unit have started to spread by word of mouth.


VIBROSAUN lives up to all the manufacturers’ promises and more. It has become one of the most effective and profitable services we have ever introduced. As all our salon space is now allocated, we are seriously considering all of our other services from a profit angle and will shortly discontinue one of these services in favor of another VIBROSAUN unit.


All clients using VIBROSAUN regularly have noticed marked improvement in both the physical and mental sense.


VIBROSAUN is particularly effective for stress related problems. Our athletes feel the heat/vibration combination alleviates muscle stiffness and soreness after physical activity. Some are using the unit for warm-ups as well.

In my experience as a therapist, I feel VIBROSAUN is making a valuable contribution to relaxation therapies, maintaining muscle tone, elimination of toxic wastes from the body and inducing circulation as the unit requires no effort on the part of the user.


This overcomes one of the greatest battles of the Health Industry – the majority of people’s basic lack of interest in exercise. It is now possible with the development of this remarkable unit to have all the benefits of exercise without the effort. No other single unit offers such a variety of treatments simultaneously.


Congratulations on this wonderful unit. The inventors are to be praised for this amazing contribution to the health industry.


Yvonne Lennox



We at Resthaven have been using the VIBROSAUN for some months now and are very happy with the results. Our elderly patients in the Nursing Home with ages ranging from 70 to 90 plus years look forward to the sessions, and some of the staff, too, enjoy the privilege of use.


We have found that the treatment is psychologically reassuring, reducing apprehension thereby reducing muscle tension. It reduces joint and muscle pain and frees joint movement. The fan is an important factor and the radio, allowing individual choice of music and occupation with music rather than pain and worry.


S M Scott



On a recent visit to Surfers Paradise I was made aware of the VIBROSAUN and its advantages to health. When I next visited my doctor and asked him to read some literature about the unit, his words were and I quote “This is marvelous and I’m sure you can bring your blood pressure down without medication (tablets, etc) by using this unit as per the instructions”.


With this knowledge I purchased a VIBROSAUN and used it for 30 minutes per session three times a week and within two weeks my blood pressure was down to normal from a very high reading.


You may use this letter in any manner you wish as I’m sure your VIBROSAUN unit will be a great relief to hundreds of high blood pressure sufferers.


Pauline Brooks


It was our good fortune that we decided to visit a Home Show in May of this year, otherwise we may never have heard about the VIBROSAUN. What a wonderful machine!


Syd and I seem to have a new lease of life after only two months of “VIBROSAUNing”.


Now we wouldn’t be without it. It has almost eliminated Syd’s arthritis and my circulation is back to normal, and it has given us both a wonderful feeling of wellbeing.


We wish you much success in the future and have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending VIBROSAUN to anyone.


Syd and Pat Gould


Having had a VIBROSAUN in my Beauty Therapy Clinic for four years, I would like to tell you some of the advantages of the machine.


Clients suffering from high blood pressure have had it reduced to normal after having regular treatments in the VIBROSAUN. You must remember that high blood pressure is the prime cause of strokes.


The VIBROSAUN is also excellent for tension and stress: clients going through trauma, such as marriage breakdown, pressures of business or just a hard day “at the office” VIBROSAUN has helped many of my clients overcome the tension and stressful situations they have been in.


Back problems have also been relieved. Muscular strains, sciatic problems, I have my clients in the VIBROSAUN for 20 minutes, after the machine stops, they lay in it for another 10 minutes. The client is most relaxed and the problem alleviated.


For weight reduction, I use a cellulite treatment product, VIBROSAUN for 20 minutes and after it stops, lay there for 10 minutes. A nutritional plan is given to the client. With this adhered to, weight reduction is evident over the duration of approximately 20 treatments.


VIBROSAUN in my opinion is one of the greatest assets to my business, and is a must in any beauty therapy salon.



Coffs Harbour Beauty Therapy


I am writing this note to you to let you know that since purchasing the VIBROSAUN from you my health has improved. As you know I am a double amputee and in the past have suffered constant pain and stress through nerve damage. Since using the VIBROSAUN each day it is relieving the stress and helping the circulation and making me more relaxed.


Thank you for your help and concern.

Steve Butler


Following the installation of the VIBROSAUN at my clinic in December, it is my pleasure to tell you that it has been well received by the patients and that I have found it effective in conjunction with Physical Therapy treatment.


In particular, I have found it successful in the treatment of painful symptoms arising from muscles and joints, both in sports injuries and in arthritic conditions. In circumstances where part of the painful symptoms are linked with tension, patients have found the VIBROSAUN relaxing and of value in decreasing their symptoms.


I look forward to continued use of VIBROSAUN as a treatment modality in the clinic.


Angela Buillard Meaden

South Woodham Ferrers Physical Therapy Clinic


Over the past two years, I have seen the VIBROSAUN unit in action at the Institute for the Realization of Human Potential. In particular, as the chiropractor for Violet Brandenburg, founder of the Institute and a 40 year arthritis victim, I have been able to see the effects of adding regular VIBROSAUN treatments to her regimen of care.


Additionally, I have used the VIBROSAUN myself, and for several other patients under my care. Subjective reports from patients and others who have experienced a VIBROSAUN treatment are usually much the same. They report feeling great, relaxed, often “more relaxed than I’ve ever been”, and use many superlatives in their praise of the unit.


No matter what the reason for the treatment, therapeutic or just to relax, the subjective improvement immediately afterward is excellent. The VIBROSAUN does indeed relax muscles and stimulates blood circulation.


The great advantage of the VIBROSAUN over other therapeutics is the combination of modalities in one unit. All of the known benefits from each of the established modalities, heat, vibrating massage, and if a calming tape or visualization are used, are all combined.


By having them delivered simultaneously, they magnify the effects of each other, with the result of a total body relaxation that I have not seen produced by otherwise a single modality.


In using the VIBROSAUN as an adjunct to chiropractic care, I find that it is a wonderful preparation for an adjustment, relaxing muscle spasms and allowing for greater ease and more complete correction of spinal misalignments. It is also useful after an adjustment, to relax and release tension that would cause recurrence of misalignment. It is my modality of choice for my patients.


It is also easy to administer, comfortable for the patient, and not strenuous for the patient in any way. Patient tolerance is not a problem as with many other therapies.


Dean Nichols


I just want to tell you a little bit about the girl with arthritis who bought a VIBROSAUN this autumn. She uses it almost everyday. She can walk freely up and down stairs now, she could not before because her hips were too stiff.


She used to take 7.5 tablets of cortisone every day before, now she only takes 2.5, and she is much slimmer because of this. Her goal is to get rid of all cortisone and only have to take the cytotoxin.


When she came for her first treatment to the VIBROSAUN she could hardly get out of her car. After a few months she came by bicycle. She is so happy.


VIBROSAUN Distributor



I am a Physical Therapist working in private practice since 1986. I was introduced to the VIBROSAUN by a close friend who had bought one for himself and his family.


Having tried the machine, I soon purchased one for my practice. I have used by VIBROSAUN to assist my treatment of many conditions for one year now. The following is my impression “This is not a gimmick. The VIBROSAUN is a genuine therapeutic device.”


The modalities of heat and vibration are individually well documented as muscle relaxants and stimulates to the peripheral circulation which facilitates healing. They are commonly used by Physical Therapists, Chiropractors and other health care professionals.


The VIBROSAUN uses heat and vibration concurrently in a form of application that is easily controlled and together with the audible relaxation effects of music. This compounds the effect of each individual modality of heat, vibration and musical sound, to produce a deep relaxation effect which can benefit many orthopedic, arthritic, stress related, circulatory conditions and many more.


Furthermore, a recent Swedish study of the machine’s use has proposed that the VIBROSAUN stimulates the autonomic nervous system, particularly the thoracic parasympathetic system leading to a break in the stress response common to patients in pain and to the population at large.


One of the likely outcomes of the machines use is the shift of energy reserves away from wasteful stress reactions and into the healing of injury.


Further studies are finding that the machine has normalizing effects on patients with high blood pressure. This indicates that regular use of the VIBROSAUN has similar effects on circulation as regular aerobic exercise, although without strengthening.


In closing, the VIBROSAUN has become an important adjunct to my other forms of local treatment and enables my manual therapy and massage skills to be properly administered without the resistance of excessive protective spasm. I am now arranging an expansion of my rooms to fit a second machine.


Harry Stamateris

Physical Therapist


Buying a VIBROSAUN has been a great investment to me, as a jockey, towards my racing lifestyle.


In the evenings, while allowing me to lose weight – up to five pounds at 1,500 calories for one hour, I can also unwind, relax and enjoy a massage at the same time. It’s an all-around therapeutic experience, therefore allowing me a good night’s sleep.


The VIBROSAUN is such an enjoyable experience – even at a lower temperature, I’m sure it will see right into my old age!! A very worthy investment.


Stephen Craine



The following is a brief expression of the assistance I have had from the VIBROSAUN’s that I use in my practice.


Both machines have been in use for approximately five years. During that time they have remained trouble free except for a minor problem with one of the radios.


The prime use to which they are put is as an additional way to prepare patients for spinal correction manipulations (subluxation adjustments). My experience has been that the VIBROSAUN creates a receptive muscle/bone/ligament relationship that enhances the efficacy of the chiropractor’s work.


Though we do not encourage it, many patients request the receptionist for permission to use the machine even when they are not making a chiropractic visit.


Because emotional stress is a major contributor to spinal problems and health generally deteriorates while it exists, we have found that the enduring result of more relaxed patients to have speeded the recovery of the patients.


The VIBROSAUN is an attractive support system within my practice.


Frank B. McLeod



It is with pleasure that I write to you to extol the benefits of VIBROSAUN.


Having had a stroke some years ago and needing constant care I find that since I have had a VIBROSAUN, my total circulation has improved and I find that my general movements are stronger which I owe to my VIBROSAUN.


I will be pleased to recommend VIBROSAUN to anyone who is in a similar situation to myself and needing any information about VIBROSAUN.


Thanking you for such a wonderful product which is now being used worldwide.


Ray Elston



Just a short letter to let you know how I find the VIBROSAUN since I got it from you.


I find it very relaxing and after riding horses all morning I find it better to sweat in because it’s not as harsh as the sauna. I can lose up to four pounds in sixty minutes in the VIBROSAUN, and feel less drained afterwards.


I think that the vibrating bed is great for my back and helping to break up the fat in my thighs and legs.


J P Murtagh



I am writing this recommendation in the hope that the VIBROSAUN may be of help to others in a similar situation to me.

I was recently diagnosed with a life threatening illness which required treatment using steroids for a period of two years. I began the treatment on a very high dosage and have been able to successfully reduce my dosage very quickly, partly due, I believe, to the help that the VIBROSAUN has given me.


I am not stating that it is the only reason that my health has returned so quickly as I have been under the care of a naturopath and have been using meditation. However, I firmly believe that the VIBROSAUN has helped me to control fluid retention, which is often quite a severe side effect of steroids.


I have had very little fluid retention as I have been having a VIBROSAUN three times a week. I also believe that the stimulation of circulation has the benefit of helping the healing process and it has helped me to maintain my correct weight which can also be a problem with steroids.


The VIBROSAUN is great therapy for me and I hope that it can be of as much benefit to others. I highly recommend it to anyone with any health problem as it has many other benefits which I have not mentioned.


M. Holmes


Having received my VIBROSAUN, I must say that I am absolutely delighted with it!


It has far exceeded my expectations in every way. Not only is the machine a wonderful way to relax and de-stress, but it has been extremely beneficial to my kidneys, which as you know, I injured in a major crash at Phillip Island earlier this year.


I find that the unit not only relieves the severe back ache around my kidneys area, but it seems to have a therapeutic effect on my whole body and generates a general feeling of well-being and fitness!


All in all, a fantastic unit and a great credit to your company.


John Bowe

John Bowe Racing


On the 24 August 1998, I took delivery of the Therapeutic MT365 and found this unit to be exceptionally beneficial to my patients.


I am a Physical Therapist and my patient load consists of work related injuries, motor vehicle injuries, sporting injuries, arthritic patients, etc. All patients who have used the machine have benefited.


Mr. Harry Stamateris

Physical Therapist


This is to verify that I am of the opinion the VIBROSAUN is a great asset to those in our community who wish to lead an active lifestyle regardless of age or disability.


The use of the VIBROSAUN after gym, running, swimming, etc workouts assists the body to recover faster and encourages normal blood circulation. It also appears to eliminate that dreaded lactic acid build up.


VIBROSAUN can also prove beneficial prior to competition, providing one uses a short gentle session. Recovery time from injuries can also be shortened by regular use of this machine.


Active people are often involved in Sports Administration, which at times can prove quite stressful – VIBROSAUN can assist in this area and completely relax the user.


Having been involved in various sports at international levels over the past 40 years, I have no hesitation in recommending the VIBROSAUN.


Our VIBROSAUN is a necessary commodity in our home gym and regularly used by our sports orientated family.


Daphne Pirie nee Welsh

Australian Vice Captain Hockey Team

Board Member of Queensland Academy of Sport

Gold Medalist in Word Veteran Athletics


The Calvary Holistic Healing Center wishes to thank you for your generosity during the past nine months for the supply of the therapeutic VIBROSAUN for our center.


The Holistic Healing Center is now in a position to purchase the machine you supplied to us and the hospital wishes to purchase a further machine for patients and their caregivers. This has come about through the volunteers who were so impressed with VIBROSAUN that they held a benefit function to buy the machines.


VIBROSAUN has been a great promotional asset for the center as users talk about their much enjoyed experience. In particular, VIBROSAUN has been highly successful for very weary and stressed caregivers of patients with terminal cancer. Time out to “recharge the batteries” is essential for caregivers with nurses, ancillary staff and volunteers. When caregivers are identified as needing time out, VIBROSAUN is ideal. The new machine for the hospital will enable patients to take advantage of the luxury and relaxation the machine affords users. As you are aware we have had a free massage program for patients in the hospital for some years now, VIBROSAUN will add to the comfort and well-being of many of our patients in the near future in our newly built hospital.


Once again, thank you for your generosity it has been appreciated by many to date. I hope you will visit the new hospital and see for yourself the benefits we can offer with your machines.


Lorraine Rodden

Manager Commercial Services

Calvary Hospital, Kogarah


I thought I would drop you a few lines to let you know how we feel about our VIBROSAUN as we have had it now for 10 years, my how time flies, and I must say we are very happy with it and wouldn’t be without it.


It has been good for health reasons and we use it a lot for relaxing after a day in the garden and when I feel a bit flat, my wife uses it twice a day and it has helped her in many ways, especially when the weather is not so good and it gives her the exercise she needs when not able to go walking and she uses it to help keep her weight down and she just enjoys it so much, as a matter of fact we would not be without it as we feel it is one of the best things we did to buy the VIBROSAUN so I can assure you we enjoy using it very much.


Another thing we are pleased with is the fact in the 10 years of using the VIBROSAUN we have never had any problems with anything going wrong with it so it has not cost us a penny or a cent for any repairs.


We just thought we would like to let you know that we are very happy with the VIBROSAUN and I am sure we will still enjoy it in the future and at our age we are sure it helps us keep great health in the future as we have been retired for 18 years and still do several months voluntary work every year so we are thankful for good health.


Jim and Elva Cherry


I have been aware of VIBROSAUN therapy for a number of years and many of my patients, including my Practice Manager; have undergone treatments at Mr. Coleman’s facility with good results anecdotally.


I believe this treatment offers a beneficial combination of gentle low range mobilization (vibrating oscillations) combined with heat in a relaxing atmosphere, which appears to improve joint and soft tissue mobility and raise musculoskeletal (nociceptive) pain thresholds.


I have no hesitation in recommending VIBROSAUN therapy to any of my patients with rheumatologic problems and as an adjunct to relaxation therapy.


Dr. Carl Rubis

Southport Medical Center


The Tweed City Medical Center has installed two VIBROSAUN units one year ago in its Physical Care Department.


During this time we have had time to evaluate their usefulness. We have found the VIBROSAUN to be a very useful agent in treating a variety of musculoskeletal disorders and back problems. Our Physical Therapist has found it extremely useful in preparing patients for manipulations and other techniques.


In our elderly patients who have limited exercise tolerance because of a variety of physical impairments we have recommended the VIBROSAUN due to its heat generating capabilities. The VIBROSAUN stimulates the cardiovascular system in a gentle manner providing heat with a physiological exercise without exertion.


All in all the VIBROSAUN has been a very useful tool in total patient management and we are very satisfied.


Dr. Vidas Mikus

Tweed City Medical Center


We purchased our first VIBROSAUN 14 years ago and found it performed as quoted in the brochure as to the benefits for health.


Recently I fell down a concrete garage car pit and walked away badly bruised but with no after effects, I am in active 85 year old and I believe it has been the constant use of the VIBROSAUN that saved me from broken bones or problems.


We traded the VIBROSAUN for a new model in May this year and have found the performance and the benefits of our new VIBROSAUN even more outstanding with its latest features which are really excellent.


When I talk to some of my friends about the benefits of the VIBROSAUN and they say, “but I can’t afford one” to them I have a stock answer, it is “you just can’t afford not to have one”, just look what it has done for me being 85 years of age and being so fit folk often say but you only look 60 years old, just how do you do it and I just say with the help of the VIBROSAUN and it is easy and enjoyable so try it for yourself and see.


So I thought I would just like to let you know that we are very happy and we won’t be without the VIBROSAUN and so thank you and I will be happy to recommend them to anyone.


Mrs. A Marshall


I would just like to tell you how happy I am with the purchase of the VIBROSAUN. The introduction of this machine into my clinic has been absolutely well received by my patients, and made my life a lot easier.


It has been a tremendous help in treating RSI injuries, back and neck strains and sporting injuries. One patient in particular has had on ongoing hip/low back problem for many years, but after only three combined massage/VIBROSAUN treatments, he has been able to return to a normal life, without pain. There have been many other patients who have greatly benefited from the use of this machine.


I would recommend any fellow practitioner to use this machine as an addition to their treatment.


Peter Sharpe

The Wellness Center


I am writing to you as the proprietor of Passions Hair & Beauty Salon. My salon is at Nobby Beach, Gold Coast.


I would like to thank you for your product, which I was introduced to approximately eight years ago. The VIBROSAUN was the best investment I could have made for my salon. My VIBROSAUN is continually being used by male and female, young and old for varied reasons.


I have a very good success rate with my clients who suffer with stress, high blood pressure, arthritis and sports injuries. My clients love the VIBROSAUN and there are many occasions when I have someone waiting to use the machine. It is always being used.


The VIBROSAUN is also very useful with my clients when I am running a few minutes late as I invite them to use the machine for a few minutes to try. Hence they love it and always end up buying a package session.

I have a client who loves having a facial whilst in the VIBROSAUN. As you can imagine one is so completely relaxed and the facial they say is just heavenly.


The VIBROSAUN is such a remarkable product, if you have not tried it, I strongly recommend doing so.


Fran Golds

Passions Hair & Beauty Salon


I have been doing well with the VIBROSAUN. Lost 6 lbs but the best thing is I am off my medication for arthritis and I am sleeping like a baby.


Toni-Rose Hargreave


After having had breast surgery and hysterectomy I was diagnosed with lymph edema.


When I started using the VIBROSAUN with its built-in massage and sauna it was obvious that my symptoms were disappearing. I no longer had discomfort with the excess, protein-filled fluid. My circulation was normal and I had no need to use any pressure bandages.


By using the VIBROSAUN everyday for 30 minutes in a very soothing and relaxing way, I managed to be in control of my own body. It has given me a complete sense of wellness. As well as all of this, I am constantly being told how clear and glowing my skin is. An incredibly reliable product that I used everyday for the past 13 years, I have never once had to call for a repairman.


They are so well made. A wonderful way to detox.



May 2012


We have had the VIBROSAUN therapy at Inside Health for the past 6 years.


We have promoted it as a stand-alone therapy, as well as in combination with the colonic hydrotherapy we also provide here. As a stand-alone therapy, people have been pleasantly surprised to discover the VIBROSAUN’s very relaxing effects as well as the detoxification aspect of the therapy. Regular users have noted that it has helped to tone the back of their thighs and Buttocks.


Everyone is comfortable with the design and system, love the aromatherapy and the fact that their head is not enclosed and their face is gently being cooled by the fan system. The rest of their body can be controlled to whichever temperature they are comfortable with.


Having full control of the level of vibration is also helpful as some clients are quite sensitive, while others are able to tolerate a more intense vibration. Most clients want either detoxification or stress relief and this sauna is perfect for both goals.


The beauty of the VIBROSAUN is that the client is lying down and so can completely relax all of their body, allowing all muscle groups to benefit from the therapy.


As a combination therapy with the colonic hydrotherapy we offer here, the VIBROSAUN works very effectively as the first part of the treatment plan, with clients going straight in to hydrotherapy session from the sauna.


We have found that clients having this therapy first often have a notably better result in the colonic hydrotherapy session. It seems that the sauna acts as a form of massage, helping the client relax and the water therapy also re-hydrates the client after the sauna.


Inside Health, New Zealand

April 2013